Contract and Subcontract award, administration,
and closeout support services

Acquisition Associates provides temporary or semi-permanent outsourcing contract or subcontract management professional support services to Government contractors and to NASA (via a prime contractor). Representative examples of Acquisition Associates’ professional support services include:

Year(s) Customer Project Achievement
2000 - present NASA (via NASA prime contractor) Agency-wide subcontract supporting all NASA procurement offices in close-out of the large, complex NASA contracts

· Processed audits, negotiations, close-out of major, complex NASA contracts for three NASA Centers and HQ

· Reduced NASA-Glenn large backlog of complex closeout actions supporting SAP implementation

· Temporarily assigned consultants to prime contractor to transition & start-up service at 4 of the 8 NASA Centers plus HQ

· Trained Prime staff in NASA procurement and supported Prime’s agency-wide file scanning & data base mgt process implementation

2000 Government Contractor Subcontract support Responded to customer urgent requirement to process multiple unplanned prime and subcontract negotiations and awards by mobilizing 3 consultants, who processed all required actions to meet requirement
1998 - 1999 Government Contractor Subcontract support Processed FAR compliant subcontracts, obtained CO consent
1996 - 1997 Government Contractor Subcontract support Responded to customer urgent requirement to process multiple unplanned prime and subcontract negotiations and awards by mobilizing 2 consultants, who processed all required actions to meet requirement, including CO consent to all subcontract actions
1994 - 1995 Government Contractor Subcontract support Responded to customer urgent requirement to process multiple unplanned prime and subcontract negotiations and awards by mobilizing 2 consultants, who processed all required actions to meet requirement, including CO consent to all subcontract actions
1994 Government Contractor Subcontract support Solicited, negotiated, awarded all subcontracts to start-up contract at NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center